The Physical Education Department of Taiwan's Ministry of Education has decided to cancel face-to-face classes due to COVID-19, but in order to keep students learning, they are promoting online learning activities. This is part of the New Southbound Policy, which involves the exchange of sports between schools through pickleball.
In this program, students and faculty from both schools will learn pickleball tactics, rules, and curriculum from each other and from Universitas Negeri Jakarta in Indonesia, a sister school of Asia University, Taiwan.
This program is not only bilateral, but we have also invited Mimasaka University in Tsuyama City, Okayama Prefecture, Japan, to further promote pickleball activities in Asia.
We hope that this program will help spread the Pickleball activities from Taiwan to Asia and to the world.
Date and time: October 17, 2021, 8:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Instructor: Department of Physical Education, Ministry of Education, Taiwan (Sports Xin Nan Xiang Sports School Exchange and Teaching Program)
Hosted by: Yazhou University Sports Room
Co-sponsored by: Taichung City Pickleball Association, University Sports Federation Pickleball Committee, ROC Pickleball Association

Asia University, Taiwan
Universitas Negeri Jakarta in Indonesia
台灣教育部體育署因為COVID-19停止上課,但是要讓學生不要停止學習,鼓勵透過網路線上交流活動促進南向學校體育交流活動,讓亞洲地區大學之間匹克球校隊成員持續加強聯繫,本次線上計畫申請邀請本校與印尼國立雅加達大學(UNIVERSITAS NEGERI JAKARTA)之姊妹校共同參加線上匹克球戰術、規則、課程教學讓雙邊球員及教師進行不同示範經驗交流,為此邀情日本津山市美作大學匹克球代表隊視訊列席參與本次活動,為讓亞洲地區與會匹克球運動學校來參與新南向大學院校多邊師生教學經驗交流互相回饋。
線上日期:2021-10-17 時間:早上08:00至11:30
協辦單位:台中市匹克球協會、大專院校體育總會匹克球委員會 、中華民國匹克球協會
One to one practice drill with instructor.

Mimasaka University in Tsuyama City, Okayama Prefecture, Japan
今回は、亜洲大学の姉妹校であるインドネシアのUNIVERSITAS NEGERI JAKARTAとピックルボールの戦術、ルール、カリキュラムなどを両校の学生と教員が互いに学び合うプログラムになっています。
日時:2021年10月17日 午前8時から11時30分