"No Country Left Behind"
The Global Governing Body for the Sport of Pickleball

The Asia Federation of Pickleball (AFP) proudly serves as the Asian confederation for the International Pickleball Federation (IPF) and the World Pickleball Federation (WPF). Together, we promote the sport, uphold international standards, and inspire growth across Asia, uniting players and programs under a shared vision of excellence and inclusivity.
Asia Federation of Pickleball (AFP) is a Non-Profit Organization, and we pledge to promote and integrate all Asia nations to grow the sport of Pickleball.
To promote the development and growth of pickleball within Asia and participate in Asian Games.
Integrity | Passion | Sportsmanship

AFP hopes to introduce Pickleball to all Asia nations. We adopt the official rulebook and worldwide code of conduct for pickleball athletes as established by USA Pickleball.
Our main activities will be in Asia and we are governed by the AFP Board Of Directors and managed by the Executive Committee members from Asia nations.